July 2018 Digital Marketing News Roundup

This past month has been a busy one in the digital marketing world. Summer is in full swing and Google has been making some big changes to their suite of products and of course, their search engine.

From an AdWords rebranding to Twitter cracking down on fake accounts, read on below for the rundown of July’s digital marketing news.

It’s Official: Speed Matters

Source: Webmaster Central Blog

Google has been warning us that this would come, and it’s now it official has. July 2018 marks the month when Google will be ranking websites according to their speed. Does this mean if your site doesn’t score A’s on PageSpeed and YSlow on GTMetrix, it won’t ever rank well? No.

According to Google, “The Speed Update,” as we’re calling it, will only affect pages that deliver the slowest experience to users and will only affect a small percentage of queries.

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