20 Sites to Send Anonymous Emails (2018)

The first question to answer here is why go for anonymous email when there are plenty of premium featured and free email services such as Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! Mail available?

Well, privacy and anonymity is a digital right — our digital right. These email services are ‘free’ because of the advertisements.

Although deemed necessary evils, ads are mostly tailored for the visitor or service user; and to do that, service providers need your data to show you advertisements targeted to you and your user group. These are ads that you are most likely to click and/or follow.

Moreover, the disclosure of the motives of secret agencies and their top-secret internet-censoring programs (such as PRISM) has raised concerns among digital privacy advocates. If you want to keep your emails away from prying eyes, this article will introduce to you the many options for sending and receiving anonymous emails.

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